The Agriseeder direct drill enables farmers to establish crops with minimal soil disturbance compared to traditional inversion methods. It is an extremely efficient and cost-effective way to put crop in the ground, allowing the farmer to grow crops which can improve the soil and keep the land productive all year round.
There are currently 6 Agriseeder versions available across 3 ranges: the Agriseeder E-Series, Agriseeder Folding and the flagship Agriseeder Pro/Pro X Series.
Click on the button below to find out more.

Grass Panbuster™
The Panbuster range is designed to improve soil aeration and improve drainage. It will help farmers to grow more grass, extend their growing season and improve grass quality.
All machines have hydraulic depth and adjustment on the move, which amongst other innovations, helps our subsoilers really stand out, in a crowded subsoiler market place.
There are currently 5 Panbuster versions available across 3 ranges; the Compact/Eco Panbuster, Shearbolt Panbuster and the flagship Panbuster X.
Click on the button below to find out more.
Arable Panbuster™
The Arable Panbuster range is designed to create a well aerated and drained soil with good structure that will maximise root development. Good root development will assist plant production above ground. The Arable Panbuster can increase production and profitability for any cropping regime.
There are currently 4 Arable Panbuster versions available across 3 ranges: the 3 Leg Arable Panbuster, Panbuster LD Toolbar and the flagship V Form 5 Leg V Form Arable Panbuster.
Click on the button below to find out more.
The Aermaster is ideal for spring operations ahead of rolling or sowing, to increase surface tilth. The front harrow levels and improves surface aeration as well as removing dead grass and moss.
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Front hARROW
The Aermaster is ideal for spring operations ahead of rolling or sowing, to increase surface tilth. The front harrow levels and improves surface aeration as well as removing dead grass and moss.
Click on the button below to find out more.
Front Press
The biggest problem with seed beds can be a lack of consolidation. The addition of a suitable front press can increase output whilst improving seedbed consolidation and yield.
Click on the button below to find out more.
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For more information or questions about Erth Engineering products, please complete the form and one of our experienced team will get back to you as soon as possible.